Congregation Kol Shofar, Tiburon

Kol Shofar’s garden, which is a shared project with their neighbors at  Westminster Presbyterian Church, is used by their educational program, and food grown is donated to individuals in need through organizations such as, or will be used to prepare food for those in need, such as with the REST shelter or with the Coalition for the Homeless lunch program, which Kol Shofar is currently in the process of rejoining as a monthly host. Since receiving a mini-grant from Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative, the congregation has added new four 4×4’s boxes, installed the irrigation system, built fences to protect the garden from deer, and held community events to transfer 100 cubit feet of soil into the boxes and to teach about our garden. In the garden, carrots, broccoli, artichoke, strawberries, parsley, spinach and beets are currently being grown. Sloat Garden Center Team donated the starter plants, seeds, tools and gloves. They also provided a discount and a gift certificate. With the hard work of volunteers Bob Daniel and Tikva Farber, as well as with the help of our Maintenance staff, Kirk Kim, the irrigation system has been connected to a computer timer. It has also been set to shut off in case of rain.

Over 100 students have been involved in this project, as well as dozens of teachers, parents, and adult volunteers. Tikva Farber is a teacher in our religious school and works in the garden with all of her classes.