Earth Day

How is your congregation celebrating Earth Day? Consider doing something special during the week of April 19-26.  Let us know how you are celebrating and how we might be a part of it.

  • Presbyterian Hunger Project | Food and the Climate Crisis
    How do food systems and organic agriculture impact climate change? What are some ways you can take action?
  • Creation Justice Ministries | Earth Day Resource 
    Have you anything here to eat? Sustainable Food in a Changing Climate. A reflection in particular on how climate and food concerns impact us. How does food production and consumption impact the climate? How does climate change affect growing and accessing food?
  • GreenFaith Interfaith Partners in Action for the Earth |
    Religious Eco-Teaching Series 5-part webinar series featuring the environmental teachings of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism. 
  • Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism | Earth Day Shabbat
    On the Saturday prior to Earth Day, Jews across the country will celebrate Earth Day Shabbat, taking this day to rest, reflect and pledge to more deeply engage in the work to preserve the environment and mitigate climate change. 
  • The Forum on Religion and Ecology at Yale |
    Climate Change Statements from World Religions
  • Interfaith Power and Light | Love God, Heal Earth
    Foremost religious leaders from diverse faith communities respond to the most controversial question of our time: Can we save the earth? The answer could hinge on the phenomenon of the fast-growing interfaith religious environmental movement.
  • Interfaith Power and Light |
    Stand Up for Climate Justice on Earth Day
    This year’s Earth Day is focusing on ending extreme poverty and talking about climate justice. One of the ways that Interfaith Power & Light congregations can help address poverty and climate change is through the National Preach-in on Global Warming with the encouragement to congregations to preach and hold events that tie these important issues together.
  • EcoSikh| Green Space, Sacred Places
    Children gather to clean up parks on Earth Day. 
  • LDS Earth Stewardship | Small Things
    Going green need not be overwhelming. You don’t even have to do everything “green”–any effort helps.  
  • Green Muslims | Faith in Action DC
    In celebration of Earth Day, we hear from Sarah Jawaid, director of the group Green Muslims, about lessons from Islam that inspire her commitment to work for environmental justice and what disorder in the natural world says about our spiritual well-being.
  • Green For All | Green the Church
    An initiative designed to tap into the power and purpose of the African American church community, and to explore and expand the role of churches as centers for environmental and economic resilience. 
  • Global Catholic Climate Movement | Care4Creation Month
    Pope Francis’ universal prayer intention for April 2015 is “That people may learn to respect creation and care for it as a gift of God”. In the face of human-made climate change which is undoing God’s gift, let’s join Francis praying and acting for creation together, to prepare ourselves for his upcoming encyclical on ecology.