FaithLands Advocacy

Federal, state, and local policies can all serve to advance FaithLands’ vision. In some cases, the legislative purpose is more directly aligned with the goal of food production on religious properties than others. Please see examples of legislation below that was promoted within the FaithLands network, and endorsed by one or more groups including Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative.

Current Advocacy

Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act (H.R.3955, S.2340)

  • FaithLands supports the Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities (LASO) Act (H.R.3955, S.2340).
  • (The following text and information has been excerpted from the Young Farmers Coalition website. For further information, click here.)
  • According to the National Young Farmers Coalition’s survey of over 10,000 farmers nationwide, the number one challenge facing the new generation of producers is access to land.
  • On June 9th of 2023, the Increasing Land Access, Security, and Opportunities Act (H.R.3955) was introduced in the House by U.S. Representatives Nikki Budzinski (D-IL-13), Zach Nunn (R-IA-03), Joe Courtney (D-CT-02), and Abigail Spanberger (D-VA-07) to address this major challenge. Following on July 20th, Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) introduced a companion bill (S.2340) in the Senate.
  • If enacted, this innovative bill would fund powerful, community-led solutions to the land access crisis facing the new generation of young and BIPOC farmers through the Farm Bill. This is a significant victory for young farmers, ranchers, and everyone who has been fighting to win federal funding to address issues of equitable land access, retention, and transition.