- Prioritize farmworkers for safe COVID vaccinations. Click the file below to learn more. For the full briefing, click here!
See our letter below to push for the state funding of Senior Nutrition programs.
Covid Farmworkers Study: Take action to keep farmworkers, their families, and our communities healthy by standing in solidarity. Find more information below.

On June 13, 2018 multiple faith organizations supporting the Senate’s bipartisan farm bill that protects SNAP from harmful cuts. Several faith leaders came out in support of the bipartisan farm bill that was recently introduced in the Senate. The Senate farm bill stands in stark contrast to the House farm bill, in that it protects SNAP from the harmful cuts that were put forward in the House farm bill. 58 national faith-based organizations also signed a letter articulating their principles for a faithful farm bill that protects and strengthens nutrition assistance programs.

Endorsements needed for the Local Food & Beginning Farmer Legislation Programs as part of the Farm Bill! Click here to learn more and how to support these bills!

Support Historically Underserved Farmers and Ranchers! Read the article here. Faith Communities Contribute to Historic Legislative Victories: Farmworker Overtime Pay and $65 million for Climate-Friendly Farming Passed! Read the article here |

In 2015, the Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative began to step up advocacy efforts for a food system that supports local farmers and increases access to local, healthy food. We will be focusing on two pieces of legislation, one at the federal level and the other in Sacramento. As an individual, and more importantly through organizing your congregation and affiliated religious movement (e.g. United Methodist Church of or Union of Reformed Judaism), please help us in supporting these efforts.
- Federal: Farm to School Act of 2015
- California: Nutrition Incentive Matching Grant Program (AB1321) & Climate Smart Agriculture
- Nation-wide: Principles for Appropriate Livestock and Poultry Anitbiotic Use
- Sonoma County: Saving Greenbelts and Farmland

Over 70 faith community members gathered our Harvest the Bounty event for the release of a report by Roots of Change and the California Food Policy Council (CAFPC) on 2014 food and farm policy voting results by California elected officials. The 2014 Report on Legislation Related to Food and Farming illustrates how despite making modest progress on food and agriculture issues, the Legislature continues to miss the mark when it comes to passing the transformative – and often controversial – policies needed to address our state’s food, farming and economic challenges. Read more.

The Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative stood with the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, Community Food and Justice Coalition and leading California groups for a farm bill supporting family farmers, care for the earth, and food aid to families. We publicly endorsed GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) labeling with Proposition 37, and the Sonoma COunty FOod Action Plan developed by the Food System Alliance. The Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative’s advocacy work supported efforts to influence federal policy including the farm bill and the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). The position on the farm bill addressed support for family farmers, immigrant farmers and organic agriculture as well as protecting funding for nutrition assistance (CalFresh). Read more.