The Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative offers your faith-based group our The Food & Faith Project Menu to assist you in choosing a food system project that fits best for your faith group. The Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative will work with you to create or enhance programs that fit the needs and resources of your congregation. Email or call us at (707) 634-4672 for more information or to get started today!
The Food & Faith Project Menu
Serving up congregational programs to build healthy, local food systems!

These projects offer congregants a tasty introduction to sustainable food system work.
- Food Pantry
- Gleaning

Perhaps your congregation is ready to tackle a larger project. Through partnerships, even long-term projects can move forward with little congregational involvement or resources.
- Community Garden
- CSA (Congregation Supported Agriculture)
- On-site Farm Stand
- On-site Farm

‘Specials’ offer one-time events that can be planned and carried out to meet the needs and/or schedule of the congregation.
- Health Fair (promoting healthy eating and/or SNAP enrollment)
- Local Food 50 mile Picnic or Food Fair
- Visit a Local Farm as Part of a Holiday Celebration or Religious School

These sweet options are the ‘cherry on top’ to congregational activities already taking place.
- Serve Local/Fair Trade Products After Services
- Offer Access to your Commercial Kitchen to Farmers Producing Value-Added Products
Where do we source our ingredients?
Education will make your congregation hungry for a more just and sustainable food system. These activities increase the knowledge of congregants so they can make informed decisions as consumers, voters and advocates!
- Adult Education/Issues Forum
- Advocacy Campaign
- Food Audit
- Congregational Food Policies

Meet the Chef
The Interfaith Sustainable Food Collaborative’s mission is:
To advance the production of and access to healthy food produced in a sustainable, socially just manner by empowering faith communities with models and resources to impact local food systems and advance public policy.
We work with faith-based groups in Marin and Sonoma Counties to help increase access to local, healthy food by reconnecting individuals to the sustainable food system through their faith values. We will make sure you do not have to reinvent the wheel! We provide how-to resources, tool-kits and sample food policies to congregations interested in engaging in the sustainable food movement.